Understanding Autophagy
The key to unlocking your health and critical piece of our programs
The Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), developed with over 25 years of research and clinical testing, is scientifically formulated to mimic the benefits of a prolonged water fast while still providing nourishment and it is the cornerstone of our L-Nutra Health programs.
One word: autophagy. While there are several biological mechanisms that take place during an extended fast (all important in their own right), autophagy reigns supreme as a deep cleaning process for your body. During autophagy, cells remove and or recycle damaged or dysfunctional components, ensuring they are replaced with newer, healthier versions. It’s the body’s way of pressing the “reset”
(potentially even “rewind”) button and is essential for maintaining proper cellular health and function. Autophagy is typically triggered beginning on day three of a prolonged fast the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) is currently the only program that has shown preliminary data confirming the activation of autophagy in the human body when on the fast.
3 major pilars
There are three major pillars which can contribute to diabetes, obesity, and metabolic issues: cellular aging, insulin resistance, and muscle loss. Many studies and trials have shown that the FMD may impact the root cause of these issues through autophagy:

Cellular aging

Muscle Protection

Insulin resistance
with a lysosome

How is autophagy triggered?
Autophagy is triggered, essentially, by starvation a critical biological mechanism that developed as a way of human survival during our evolution. After around three days of food deprivation, the body begins digesting its own components as a means for survival. From an evolutionary, survival standpoint, autophagy is a last resort an emergency mechanism.Therefore,autophagy will never be activated when we are eating or digesting food; specifically, when we eat certain amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, our body’s nutrient sensing path-ways called mTOR, PKA, and IGF-1 will activate and suppress autophagy’s functionality. It would make sense, then, that the most powerful way to activate autophagy is to turn off these growth stimulating, nutrient sensing pathways in other words, to make the body think it is being starved.

Caloric Restriction

Metabolic Reset

Cellular Renewal
The frequency at which autophagy should be triggered varies depending on individual goals and circumstances; general guidelines for other wise healthy individuals suggest that completing three 5 day cycles three times per year (that’s a total of only 15 days) is enough to maximize the benefits. Research has been done to show that elicits the most optimal results.
L-Nutra Health’s scientifically designed FMDs offer a powerful tool to kickstart autophagy, potentially leading to cellular renewal, improved metabolic markers, weight loss with muscle preservation, diabetes reversal, and more. By integrating FMD into your life, you can unlock the potential for a longer, healthier, and more vibrant life.